Environmental Resources
Did you know Holland has five trails systems? They cover 13 miles on 1,163 acres of preserved land. Most of the trails average two miles in length, with the shortest and easiest being a 1.25 mile loop and the longest and most difficult being 4.2 miles of intersecting trails.
Checkout Trails of Holland for further descriptions and maps.
View from Holland Highlands by Regina Harrison
Did you know that 43% of Holland Township is forested? A program has been initiated to help people identify trees. Surrounding the Riegel Ridge Community Center, we now have 11 trees labeled with a plaque containing its common name, the scientific name, and a QR code. The code is something that can be scanned with a smartphone or other device. By scanning it, you will be led to a township webpage where there is more information. Then go to the “Holland Tree Sign Map” where the trees on the property are plotted out.
Explore Trees of Holland to see the trees and a map to locate them.
Here is a printable checklist of the common trees in Holland Township
Indigo Bunting on White Ash by Regina Harrison
You might be surprised by the diversity of birds that pass through Holland or make this area their home. Because we have a variety of habitats in the township: woodlands, grasslands, rivers, mountains, wetlands, we have a large number of different species here, including some endangered species.
Here is a document with birds observed in Holland - Birds of Holland
Here is a printable checklist of the Birds of Holland Township