Tax Assessor
For information about State Property Tax Relief Programs, including eligibility criterion and potential deduction or credit amounts, please visit the Division of Taxation’s website at
The Tax Assessor is responsible for assigning the value of real property within Holland Township. This value is an assessment which is used as a basis for taxation. The Tax Assessor is responsible for the maintenance of ownership lists and property transfers. The Tax Assessor also represents the township in all tax appeals.
Each year by January 31st, the Hunterdon County Tax Board mails a postcard to every property owner with the current year tax assessment and the net property taxes billed for the prior year. Each homeowner should review the assessment for correctness and contact the assessor with any questions. This postcard also contains appeal instructions if a homeowner disagrees with the assessed value shown. Assessment appeals must be filed on or before April 1st of the current tax year. State law requires the Tax Assessor to assess all real property on a yearly basis by October 1st.
The following website may be of assistance concerning tax matters:
TAX APPEALS - Please note that you cannot appeal your taxes, only your assessment. If you are dissatisfied with your tax assessment, you may speak with the tax assessor. If after speaking with the tax assessor, you wish to contest your assessment, you may file an appeal to the Hunterdon County Board of Taxation. This may be done between February 1st and April 1st of each year. Click here for detailed information about tax appeals from the Hunterdon County Board of Taxation.
TAX DEDUCTION INFORMATION - for NJ Property Owners You may be eligible for one of the following tax deductions. If you have not already applied and you meet the requirements, you can pick up an application from your local Tax Assessor or Tax Collector or click on the links below.
SENIOR CITIZEN DEDUCTION - Age 65 or over as of December 31st of pre-tax year. Owner of the property or life rights and residing in the property as your principal residence as of October 1 of the pre-tax year. Income less that $10,000.00 include income of spouse but not including ONE of the following: Social Security, railroad retirement or government pension (limit is maximum Social Security amount). Surviving spouse may also be eligible, but must be 55 years old or older and not remarried. Submit proof of age with application. Senior Citizen Deduction Application
PERMANENTLY OR TOTALLY DISABLED PERSONS DEDUCTION - Must meet all the requirements of the senior deduction except age requirement. The applicant must have been declared permanently and totally disabled by Social Security (form SSA-30) or by a physician. Complete application above noted Senior Citizen Deduction Application.
VETERANS DEDUCTION - Must have had active military service and been honorably discharged. (attach copy of DD214 with application). Must be a citizen and resident of New Jersey and have owned the property by October 1st of the pre-tax year. Surviving spouses must comply with residency and not be remarried. The veteran had to have been a resident of the State of New Jersey at the time of his/her death. Veterans Deduction Application
DISABLED VETERANS PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION - Disabled Veterans and surviving spouses of Disabled Veterans who have not remarried may be exempt from property taxes if they meet all the requirements. Requirements include active military service, honorable discharge, owner of and occupancy of dwelling as principal residence, be a citizen and domiciliary resident of New Jersey and have a United States Veterans Administration certification of service-connected disability as described on form or other service-connected disability that is totally disabling and 100% permanent in accordance with the VA Schedule and not so evaluated because of hospitalization or surgery and recuperation. Surviving spouse of veteran who died on active duty may also qualify. Claim for Property Tax Exemption on Dwelling application
Homestead Benefit:
- To file applications by phone: 1-877-658-2972
- To file applications online:
- To ask questions: 1-888-238-1233
- In-Person assistance at Taxation Regional Information Centers: - Online information:
Senior Freeze:
- To ask questions or to order an application: 1-800-882-6597
- To check the status of a filed application: 1-800-882-6597
- To listen to information: 1-800-323-4400
- In-Person assistance at Taxation Regional Information Centers: - Online information:
Text Telephone Service (TTY/TDD) for Hearing-Impaired Users: 1-800-286-6613 or 609-984-7300
REDUCED ASSESSMENT FOR FARMLAND: Land devoted to agricultural or horticultural use may be assessed for property tax purposes on its value for those uses as well as its productivity rather than on the market value of the land for any other use. To qualify, the land must be a minimum of five acres which are devoted to agriculture or horticulture for at least two consecutive years prior to the tax year and must continue in that use until the end of the tax year for which the claim is made. The land usage must result in product sales or anticipated product sales totaling at least $1,000 per year for the first five acres, plus $5.00 per acre for each acre over five, except woodland or wetland where the minimum income must be $500 per year for the first 5 acres, plus $.50 per acre for any acreage over five. The reduced assessment must be applied for on Form FA-1 annually on or before August 1 of the year prior to the tax year. For additional forms and/or questions contact the Holland Township Tax Assessor. Application for Farmland Assessment